====== Doing words ====== Many verbs in romanian are regular, but some are irregular such as [[uni:to be]]. See more of my examples under [[simple verbs]] and [[uni:common verbs]]. ====== Online conjugation help ====== When working with verbs, one can use: * [[http://www.verbix.com/languages/romanian.shtml|verbix - Romanian Verb Conjugator]] if you know the infinitive. e.g. a //vorbi//. * [[http://www.verbix.com/find-verb/|verbix - Find the Verb]] if you have a conjugated verb you need to find the infinitive (and other versions) of. e.g. //vorbesc//. * [[http://www.verbix.com/translate/|verbix - Translate and Conjugate a Verb]] if you want to search using an infinitive and find the translation and conjugation. e.g. //speak//. ====== Common conjugations ====== There are 4 common patterns of verb conjugations, based on the ending of the infinitive: - **a** e.g. A aștept**a** (to wait). - **ea** or **e** e.g. A ved**ea** (to see). A fac**e** (to do). - **i** e.g. A gând**i** (to think). - **î** e.g. A hotâr**i** (to decide). ^ ^ A aștept**a** ^ A ved**ea** ^ A fac**e** ^ A gând**i** | A hotâr**i** ^ | Eu | aștept | v__ă__d | fac | gând**esc** | hotăr**ăsc** | | Tu | aștep__ț__**i** | ve__z__**i** | fac**i** | gând**ești** | hotăr**ăști** | | El/Ea | aște__a__pt**ă** | ved**e** | fac**e** | gând**ește** | hotăr**ăște** | | Noi | aștept**ăm** | ved**em** | fac**em** | gând**im** | hotăr**âm** | | Voi | aștept**ați** | ved**eți** | fac**eți** | gând**iți** | hotăr**âți** | | Ei/Ele | aște__a__pt**ă** | v__ă__d | fac**** | gând**esc** | hotăr**ăsc** |