Table of Contents

Dative Pronouns in the Present Tense

The best way to think about dative, is with the verb a da (to give). First I gave (or the past participle) is dat secondly it's a nice regular verb often used in the dative.

a da (to give)

Person verb
eu dau
tu dai
el/ea dă
noi dăm
voi/dvs dați
ei/ele dau
(eu) dau
I give

dau is always I give, whoever I am giving too. Similarly will always be he/she gives (whoever he/she is giving it too).

To whom

To define the recipient, one needs to refer to them (before saying who 'gives'), using the forms:

Person Short Form
me îmi -mi
you îți -ți
him/her îi -i
us ne
you (p)
them le

The short form is used in combination with the past or negation.

The format is: <to whom> <action, in the form of of whoever is performing it>

Îmi dau…
I give myself…
Îți dau…
I give you…
nu-ți dau…
I don't give you…


Remember the grammar of the verb remains unchanged, only the pronouns are changing to denote the recipient. Dau is always I give, whoever I am giving too. Similarly will always be he/she gives (whoever he/she is giving it too).

El dă un cadou

He gives a present:

Tu dai un cadou

You give a present:

Other Verbs Common in the Dative

These are verbs which are commonly used in the dative. Often verbs for the dative are written with an additional -i rather than just a, e.g. a-i fi rather than just a fi.


Îți explic.
I explain to you.
nu-ți vând ceasul.
I don't sell you the watch.
ce-ți dau?
What do I give you?
ce-î dai?
what do you give him/her?
ce ne dai?
What do you give us?

A more advanced example:

Ea îi zămbește lui.
She smiles at him.

All Variations

a da

Note: Initial “from” is optional and not normally used.

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me dau
tu you Îți you dai
el/ea him/her Îi him/her dă
noi us/we Ne us/we dăm
voi/dvs you you dați
ei/ele they/them Le they/them dau

I give:

You give:

He/She gives:

We give:

You (polite/plural) give:

They give:

a spune

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me spun
tu you Îți you spui
el/ea him/her Îi him/her spune
noi us/we Ne us/we spunem
voi/dvs you you spuneți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them spun

a trimite

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me trimit
tu you Îți you trimiți
el/ea him/her Îi him/her trimite
noi us/we Ne us/we trimitem
voi/dvs you you trimiteți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them trimit

a explica

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me explic
tu you Îți you explici
el/ea him/her Îi him/her explică
noi us/we Ne us/we explicăm
voi/dvs you you explicați
ei/ele they/them Le they/them explică

a cere

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me cer
tu you Îți you ceri
el/ea him/her Îi him/her cere
noi us/we Ne us/we cerem
voi/dvs you you cereți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them cer

a promite

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me promit
tu you Îți you promiți
el/ea him/her Îi him/her promite
noi us/we Ne us/we promitem
voi/dvs you you promiteți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them promit

a oferi

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me ofer
tu you Îți you oferi
el/ea him/her Îi him/her oferă
noi us/we Ne us/we oferim
voi/dvs you you oferiți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them oferă

a vinde

From To From
Giver Who Target Who Verb
eu me Îmi me vând
tu you Îți you vinzi
el/ea him/her Îi him/her vinde
noi us/we Ne us/we vindem
voi/dvs you you vindeți
ei/ele they/them Le they/them vând

Dative in the Past

In the past, we use the past form of the verb. And the short forms of the recipient. Remember for the past we use the

Recipient Short Form Auxiliary verb (Giver) Verb En
Eu mi + am dat I
Tu ți ai dat You
El/Ea î a dat Him/Her
Noi ne am dat Us
Voi/Dvs ați dat You (pl)
Ei/Ele le au dat Them

The short form is used in combination with the past or negation.

The format is: <to whom> <Auxiliary verb> <action, in the past tense>

le-au dat…
they gave to them…
ți-am dat… inima mea
I gave you… my heart


The Genitive case (Wikipedia) marks a noun as modifying another noun. It often marks a noun as being the possessor of another noun. In english this is all that irritating apostrophe stuff “David's fish”.

Also see:


The masculine dative/genetive suffix is added to the singular definite form of any masculine or neuter word in the singular.

Singular: + ui Plural: + lor

Băiat, băieți
Boy, boys
Băiatul, băieții
The boy, The boys
Casa bâiatului
The boy's house (s)
Casa băiețiilor
The boys' house (p)


The feminine suffix is added to the plural indefinite of feminine words.

Singular: + ei Plural: + lor

Fată, fete
Girl, girls
Fata, fetele
The girl, the girls
Casa fetei
The girl's house (s)
Casa fetelor
The girls' house (p)


See the forms of student

Studenta are bani.
The student (f) has money.
Banii studentei.
The student's (f) money.
Studentele au bani.
The students (f) have money.
Banii Studentiei.
The students' (f) money.